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IUserManager Properties

The IUserManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanChangeEnabledState
Gets a value indicating that the manager can enable or disable user accounts.
Public propertyCanChangePassword
Gets a value indicating that the manager can change passwords on user accounts.
Public propertyCanCreateUsers
Gets a value indicating that the manager can create new user accounts.
Public propertyCanCreateUsersWithHash
Gets a value indicating that the manager can create a user and make use of a password hash supplied by VRS.
Public propertyCanDeleteUsers
Gets a value indicating that the manager can delete user accounts.
Public propertyCanEditUsers
Gets a value indicating that the manager can modify user accounts.
Public propertyCanListUsers
Gets a value indicating that the manager can retrieve a list of users.
Public propertyLoginNameIsCaseSensitive
Gets a value indicating that the login name is case sensitive.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the manager.
Public propertySingleton
Gets the single instance of the class that should be used throughout the application.
(Inherited from ISingletonT.)
See Also