IWebSite Interface |
Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.WebSite
The IWebSite type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
BaseStationDatabase |
Gets or sets the BaseStation database that the site will use when generating reports.
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FlightSimulatorAircraftList |
Gets or sets the aircraft list to use when browsers ask for the FSX aircraft list.
| |
Provider |
Gets or sets the testing provider.
| |
StandingDataManager |
Gets or sets the object that can lookup entries in the standing data on our behalf.
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WebServer |
Gets the web server that the site is attached to.
Name | Description | |
AddHtmlContentInjector |
Adds an object that can cause content to be injected into HTML files served by the site.
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AddSiteRoot |
Adds a folder from which files can be served by the site.
| |
AttachSiteToServer |
Attaches the website to a server.
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GetSiteRootFolders |
Returns a collection of all of the folders from which content will be served.
| |
IsSiteRootActive |
Returns true if the site root is currently being used to serve files.
| |
RemoveHtmlContentInjector |
Removes an HtmlContentInjector previously added by AddHtmlContentInjector(HtmlContentInjector).
| |
RemoveSiteRoot |
Removes a site root that had been previously added to the site via AddSiteRoot(SiteRoot).
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RequestContent |
Processes the request for content as if it had been a request received event raised by a web server.
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RequestSimpleContent |
Processes the request for content indicated by the path from root and file passed across.
Name | Description | |
HtmlLoadedFromFile |
Raised when an HTML file is loaded from a disk-bound file. Listeners can modify the HTML before
it is sent to the browser.