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TcasResolutionAdvisory Properties

The TcasResolutionAdvisory type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFormattedThreatIcao24
Gets the ThreatIcao24 value formatted as a string. If ThreatIcao24 is zero then this will be null.
Public propertyMultipleThreatEncounter
Gets or sets a value indicating that multiple threats are being processed by TCAS.
Public propertyMultipleThreatResolutionAdvisory
Gets or sets the multiple-threat resolution advisory in a TCAS RA broadcast.
Public propertyResolutionAdvisoryComplement
Gets or sets the RAC from a TCAS RA broadcast.
Public propertyResolutionAdvisoryTerminated
Gets or sets a value indicating that the RA has been terminated.
Public propertySingleThreatResolutionAdvisory
Gets or sets the single-threat resolution advisory in a TCAS RA broadcast.
Public propertyThreatAltitude
Gets or sets the altitude of the most recently declared threat to the aircraft.
Public propertyThreatBearing
Gets or sets the bearing, relative to the aircraft, of the threat aircraft.
Public propertyThreatIcao24
Gets or sets the ICAO24 code of the most recently declared threat to the aircraft, if known.
Public propertyThreatRange
Gets or sets the range from the aircraft to the threat in nautical miles.
Public propertyThreatRangeExceeded
Gets or sets a value indicating that the range to the threat in ThreatRange exceeds the maximum distance that TCAS can represent.
See Also