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AircraftListJsonBuilderFilter Properties

The AircraftListJsonBuilderFilter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAirport
Gets or sets an airport code that the aircraft has to be flying from, to or via in order to pass the filter.
Public propertyAltitude
Gets or sets the range of altitudes that an aircraft can be flying at in order to pass the filter.
Public propertyCallsign
Gets or sets the text that will be compared to aircraft's callsign before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyDistance
Gets or sets the range of distances in kilometres that the aircraft can be at before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyEngineType
Gets or sets the engine type that the aircraft must have before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyIcao24
Gets or sets the ICAO24 code that the aircraft must have before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyIcao24Country
Gets or sets the text that will be compared to an aircraft's ICAO24 country before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyIsInteresting
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft must be flagged as Interested in the BaseStation database before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyIsMilitary
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft must be operated by the military before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyMustTransmitPosition
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft must (or must not) be transmitting a position before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyOperator
Gets or sets the text that will be compared to an aircraft's operator to pass the filter.
Public propertyOperatorIcao
Gets or sets the text that will be compared to an aircraft's operator code to pass the filter.
Public propertyPositionWithin
Gets or sets the lines of latitude and longitude that the aircraft must be within before it can pass the filter. The first coordinate is Top-Left and the second is Bottom-Right.
Public propertyRegistration
Gets or sets the text that will be compared to an aircraft's registration before it can pass the filter.
Public propertySpecies
Gets or sets the aircraft species that is allowed to pass the filter.
Public propertySquawk
Gets or sets the range of squawk values that allow an aircraft to pass the filter.
Public propertyType
Gets or sets the text that will be compared to an aircraft's type before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyUserTag
Gets or sets the text that will be compared to an aircraft's user tag before it can pass the filter.
Public propertyWakeTurbulenceCategory
Gets or sets the wake turbulence category that the aircraft must have before it can pass the filter.
See Also