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IStatisticsView Properties

The IStatisticsView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdsbMessageFormatCount
Gets an array of counters of ADS-B messages against their message format.
Public propertyAdsbMessages
Gets or sets the count of ADS-B messages seen.
Public propertyAdsbMessageTypeCount
Gets an array of counters of ADS-B messages against their message type.
Public propertyAdsbRejected
Gets or sets the count of ADS-B messages that were not used.
Public propertyAdsbRejectedRatio
Gets or sets the %age of ADS-B messages that were rejected, either because of bad parity or settings.
Public propertyBadlyFormedBaseStationMessages
Gets or sets the count of BaseStation messages that were badly formed.
Public propertyBadlyFormedBaseStationMessagesRatio
Gets or sets the %age of BaseStation messages that were badly formed.
Public propertyBaseStationMessages
Gets or sets the count of BaseStation messages received.
Public propertyBytesReceived
Gets or sets the number of bytes received.
Public propertyConnectedDuration
Gets or sets the span of time that has elapsed since the user first connected.
Public propertyCurrentBufferSize
Gets or sets the current buffer size.
Public propertyModeSDFCount
Gets an array of counters of Mode-S messages indexed by the message's DF.
Public propertyModeSLongFrame
Gets or sets the number of long-frame Mode-S messages.
Public propertyModeSMessageCount
Gets or sets the number of Mode-S messages seen.
Public propertyModeSNoAdsbPayload
Gets or sets the number of Mode-S messages that were not DF17.
Public propertyModeSNoAdsbPayloadRatio
Gets or sets the %age of Mode-S messages that were not DF17.
Public propertyModeSPIBadParity
Gets or sets the number of Mode-S messages with a PI field that indicated bad parity.
Public propertyModeSPIBadParityRatio
Gets or sets the %age of Mode-S messages with a PI field that had bad parity.
Public propertyModeSShortFrame
Gets or sets the number of short-frame Mode-S messages.
Public propertyModeSShortFrameUnusable
Gets or sets the number of short-frame Mode-S messages that VRS couldn't use.
Public propertyModeSShortFrameUnusableRatio
Gets or sets the %age of short-frame Mode-S messages that VRS couldn't use.
Public propertyModeSWithPI
Gets or sets the number of Mode-S messages that have a PI field, both long and short frame.
Public propertyPositionsOutOfRange
Gets or sets the number of ADS-B position messages that were rejected because the position was out of range of the receiver.
Public propertyPositionSpeedCheckExceeded
Gets or sets the number of ADS-B position messages that exceeded the ICAO speed check.
Public propertyPositionsReset
Gets or sets the number of ADS-B position messages that triggered a position reset.
Public propertyReceiverBadChecksum
Gets or sets the number of messages from a receiver that adds a checksum during transmission which had a bad checksum.
Public propertyReceiverThroughput
Gets or sets the throughput from the receiver in KB/sec.
Public propertyStatistics
Gets or sets the statistics object that the view will display.
See Also