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AdsbMessage Properties

The AdsbMessage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAirbornePosition
Gets or sets the content of an airborne position message.
Public propertyAirborneVelocity
Gets or sets the content of an airborne velocity message.
Public propertyAircraftOperationalStatus
Gets or sets the content of the aircraft operational status message.
Public propertyAircraftStatus
Gets or sets the content of an aircraft status message.
Public propertyCoarseTisbAirbornePosition
Gets or sets the content of the TIS-B coarse airborne position message.
Public propertyIdentifierAndCategory
Gets or sets the content of an identifer and category message.
Public propertyMessageFormat
Gets or sets the format of ADS-B message.
Public propertyModeSMessage
Gets the parent Mode-S message that carried the ADS-B message.
Public propertySurfacePosition
Gets or sets the content of a surface position message.
Public propertyTargetStateAndStatus
Gets or sets the content of the target state and status messages (not present in ADS-B version 0).
Public propertyTisbIcaoModeAFlag
Gets or sets the value of the ICAO/Mode-A flag for TIS-B fine-format messages.
Public propertyType
Gets or sets the type of the message as described by the first 5 bits.
See Also