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FeedStatus Properties

The FeedStatus type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConnectionStatus
Gets or sets the connection status.
Public propertyConnectionStatusDescription
Gets or sets a description of the connection status.
Public propertyDataVersion
Gets or sets a value that is incremented any time there is a change of value for the feed.
Public propertyFeedId
Gets or sets the unique ID of the feed.
Public propertyHasAircraftList
Gets or sets a value indicating that an aircraft list is tracking the aircraft on the feed.
Public propertyHasPolarPlot
Gets or sets a value indicating that the feed has a polar plot attached to it.
Public propertyIsMergedFeed
Gets or sets a value indicating that this is a merged feed as opposed to a reciever.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the feed.
Public propertyTotalAircraft
Gets or sets the total number of bad messages.
Public propertyTotalBadMessages
Gets or sets the total number of bad messages received.
Public propertyTotalMessages
Gets or sets the total number of messages received.
See Also