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IBaseStationDatabase Properties

The IBaseStationDatabase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFileName
Gets or sets the full path and filename of the database. Changing the filename causes the current connection to close, the next operation on the database causes it to open a new connection as per usual.
Public propertyIsConnected
Gets a value indicating that there is an open connection to the database.
Public propertyLogFileName
Gets or sets the full path and filename of the log.
Public propertyMaxParameters
Gets the maximum number of parameters that can be passed to the underlying database engine. Note that calls that accept a variable number of parameters will automatically handle splitting the call into multiple calls on the database unless otherwise noted.
Public propertyProvider
Gets or sets the object that abstracts away the environment to help when testing.
Public propertyWriteSupportEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating that methods that can create or modify the database are enabled. By default this setting is disabled. Changing this setting closes the current connection, the next call to access the database will reopen it.
See Also