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IWebServerProvider Interface
The provider that implementations of IWebServer should use to access the .NET framework.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.WebServer
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IWebServerProvider : IDisposable

The IWebServerProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthenticationSchemes
Gets or sets the authentication schemes that will be accepted by the server.
Public propertyEnableCompression
Gets or sets a value indication that compression has been enabled by the user.
Public propertyIsListening
Gets a value indicating that the listener is listening.
Public propertyListenerPrefix
Gets or sets the prefix that the webserver will listen to.
Public propertyListenerRealm
Gets the realm that the listener is responding to.
Public propertyUtcNow
Gets the time now at UTC.
Public methodBeginGetContext
Starts the process of listening for and retrieving the next IContext from the user on a background thread.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodEndGetContext
Retrieves the IContext that represents the request from the user.
Public methodGetHostAddresses
Returns the IP addresses for the local machine.
Public methodStartListener
Starts the web server.
Public methodStopListener
Stops the web server.
See Also