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IReceiverLocationsView Interface
The interface for the view that can be used to edit the list of receiver locations.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.View
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IReceiverLocationsView : IView, 
	IDisposable, IValidateView

The IReceiverLocationsView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyLatitude
Gets or sets the latitude of the location being edited by the user.
Public propertyLocation
Gets or sets the name of the location being edited by the user.
Public propertyLongitude
Gets or sets the longitude of the location being edited by the user.
Public propertyReceiverLocations
Gets the full list of receiver locations.
Public propertySelectedReceiverLocation
Gets or sets the currently-selected receiver location.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodFocusOnEditFields
Place the focus onto the location / latitude / longitude fields.
Public methodRefreshLocations
Refreshes the display of all of the locations.
Public methodRefreshSelectedLocation
Refreshes the display of the selected location in the list of locations.
Public methodShowValidationResults
Displays the results of the validation of input to the user.
(Inherited from IValidateView.)
Public methodShowView
Displays the view to the user.
(Inherited from IView.)
Public eventCloseClicked
Raised when the user closes the dialog. The currently selected location should be validated and used.
Public eventDeleteLocationClicked
Raised when the user clicks the button to delete an existing location.
Public eventNewLocationClicked
Raised when the user clicks the button to add a new location.
Public eventResetClicked
Raised when the user indicates that they want to abandon their edits of the selected location.
Public eventSelectedLocationChanged
Raised when the user changes the selection in the list of receiver locations.
Public eventUpdateFromBaseStationDatabaseClicked
Raised when the user indicates that they want to refresh the content of the list with locations from the BaseStation database.
Public eventValueChanged
Raised when the content of the Location, Latitude or Longitude fields change.
See Also