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IAircraftOnlineLookupProvider Interface
The interface that online lookup provider can implement to change where IAircraftOnlineLookup goes to fetch aircraft details.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IAircraftOnlineLookupProvider

The IAircraftOnlineLookupProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataSupplier
Gets a short name for the supplier of aircraft data being used by the provider.
Public propertyMaxBatchSize
Gets the largest batch size that the online service can accept.
Public propertyMaxSecondsAfterFailedRequest
Gets the maximum number of seconds to wait between failed requests. After each request the lookup waits for an extra MinSecondsBetweenRequests until this limit is reached.
Public propertyMinSecondsBetweenRequests
Gets the minimum number of seconds between requests. Do not set this to less than one. This restriction is policed by the code.
Public propertySupplierCredits
Gets a longer string crediting the supplier of aircraft data being used by the provider.
Public propertySupplierWebSiteUrl
Gets the URL of the data supplier's web site.
Public methodDoLookup
Periodically called to fetch aircraft details from the online service.
Public methodInitialiseSupplierDetails
Called when the program wants to know the data supplier details.
Do not do anything in the constructor that will take a long time.
See Also