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AircraftListJsonBuilderArgs Properties

The AircraftListJsonBuilderArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAircraftList
Gets or sets the aircraft list that provides details of the aircraft being tracked.
Public propertyAlwaysShowIcao
Gets or sets a value indicating that the ICAO should always be shown for each aircraft, even if it has not changed.
Public propertyBrowserLatitude
Gets or sets the latitude that the browser is located on.
Public propertyBrowserLongitude
Gets or sets the longitude that the browser is located on.
Public propertyFeedsNotRequired
Gets or sets a value indicating that the Feeds list does not need to be filled in.
Public propertyFilter
Gets or sets the filters used to suppress aircraft from the list.
Public propertyIgnoreUnchanged
Gets or sets a value indicating that aircraft that have not changed are not to be included in the aircraft list.
Public propertyIsFlightSimulatorList
Gets or sets a value indicating that this is being used to build a list of flight simulator aircraft.
Public propertyIsInternetClient
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft JSON list is going to be sent to an Internet client.
Public propertyOnlyIncludeMessageFields
Gets or sets a value indicating that fields derived from aircraft messages are to be suppressed, only fields taken directly from an aircraft are to be included in the aircraft JSON.
Public propertyPreviousAircraft
Gets the list of aircraft that the browser was told about the last time it asked for a list.
Public propertyPreviousDataVersion
Gets or sets the DataVersion of the data that was last sent to the browser. Use -1 if the browser does not report the previous data version.
Public propertyResendTrails
Gets or sets a flag indicating that the entire trail for each aircraft should be sent regardless of whether the browser has been previously sent the trail or not.
Public propertySelectedAircraftId
Gets or sets the ID of the selected aircraft or -1 if no aircraft was selected.
Public propertyServerTimeTicks
Gets or sets the time (in ticks) that the last aircraft list received by the site was generated by the server. This is -1 if the stm query string parameter is not present or not parseable.
Public propertySortBy
Gets a list of AircraftComparerColumn columns to sort by and a bool to indicate whether the sort direction is ascending (true) or descending (false).
Public propertySourceFeedId
Gets or sets the ID of the source receiver.
Public propertyTrailType
Gets or sets a value indicating what type of trail is required.
See Also