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IAircraft Interface
Describes everything that is known about an aircraft that is being tracked.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface IAircraft : ICloneable

The IAircraft type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAirPressureInHg
Gets or sets the pressure setting for the aircraft. This will be null if air pressure downloads are switched off, or the server is unavailable, or no air pressures have been downloaded yet.
Public propertyAirPressureInHgChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when AirPressureInHg was last changed.
Public propertyAirPressureLookedUpUtc
Gets or sets the time that the air pressure setting was looked up.
Public propertyAltitude
Gets or sets the pressure altitde (in feet) that the aircraft last reported. If the aircraft is transmitting geometric altitude and the air pressure is known then this will be the calculated pressure altitude.
Public propertyAltitudeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Altitude was last changed.
Public propertyAltitudeType
Gets or sets the type of altitude being transmitted by the aircraft.
Public propertyAltitudeTypeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when AltitudeType was last changed.
Public propertyCallsign
Gets or sets the ATC callsign of the aircraft.
Public propertyCallsignChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Callsign was last changed.
Public propertyCallsignIsSuspect
Gets or sets a value indicating that the callsign came from a possible BDS2,0 message instead of an ADS-B message.
Public propertyCallsignIsSuspectChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when CallsignIsSuspect was last changed.
Public propertyConstructionNumber
Gets or sets the construction number assigned to the aircraft by the manufacturer.
Public propertyConstructionNumberChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when ConstructionNumber was last changed.
Public propertyCountMessagesReceived
Gets or sets the number of messages received for the aircraft.
Public propertyCountMessagesReceivedChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when CountMessagesReceived was last changed.
Public propertyDataVersion
Gets or sets a value indicating when the data was last changed.
Public propertyDestination
Gets or sets a description of the airport where the aircraft's journey is scheduled to end.
Public propertyDestinationChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Destination was last changed.
Public propertyEmergency
Gets or sets a value indicating that the Squawk represents an emergency code.
Public propertyEmergencyChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Emergency was last changed.
Public propertyEnginePlacement
Gets or sets an indication of where the engines are mounted on the aircraft.
Public propertyEnginePlacementChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when EnginePlacement was last changed.
Public propertyEngineType
Gets or sets the ICAO 8643 engine type for this type of aircraft.
Public propertyEngineTypeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when EngineType was last changed.
Public propertyFirstCoordinateChanged
Gets or sets the DataVersion that was current when the coordinates were first started for the aircraft.
Public propertyFirstSeen
Gets or sets the time that a message from the aircraft was first received in this session.
Public propertyFirstSeenChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when FirstSeen was last changed.
Public propertyFlightsCount
Gets the number of flights that the aircraft has logged for it in the BaseStation database.
Public propertyFlightsCountChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when FlightsCount was last changed.
Public propertyFullCoordinates
The list of coordinates representing the full track of the aircraft, from when it was first seen until now.
Public propertyGeometricAltitude
Gets or sets the geometric altitude, i.e. how far the aircraft is above sea level. If the aircraft is transmitting barometric altitudes and the air pressure is known then this is the calculated geometric altitude.
Public propertyGeometricAltitudeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when GeometricAltitude was last changed.
Public propertyGroundSpeed
Gets or sets the speed (in knots) that the aircraft last reported.
Public propertyGroundSpeedChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when GroundSpeed was last changed.
Public propertyIcao24
Gets or sets the aircraft's ICAO identifier.
Public propertyIcao24Changed
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Icao24 was last changed.
Public propertyIcao24Country
Gets or sets the country that the aircraft's ICAO24 is assigned to.
Public propertyIcao24CountryChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Icao24Country was last changed.
Public propertyIcao24Invalid
Gets or sets a value indicating that the Icao24 identifier does not comply with ICAO rules or is known to be a duplicate of another aircraft's ICAO.
Public propertyIcao24InvalidChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Icao24Invalid was last changed.
Public propertyIcaoCompliantRegistration
Gets the Registration with non-compliant characters stripped out.
Public propertyIsInteresting
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft is flagged as interesting in BaseStation.
Public propertyIsInterestingChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when IsInteresting was last changed.
Public propertyIsMilitary
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft is probably a military aircraft.
Public propertyIsMilitaryChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when IsMilitary was last changed.
Public propertyIsTisb
Gets or sets a value indicating that the last message received for the aircraft came from a TIS-B source.
Public propertyIsTisbChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when IsTisb last changed.
Public propertyIsTransmittingTrack
Gets or sets a value indicating that the aircraft is transmitting its track, or at least that BaseStation is reporting one for it.
Public propertyLastCoordinateChanged
Gets or sets the DataVersion that was current when the last coordinate was added for the aircraft.
Public propertyLastModeSUpdate
Gets or sets the time of the last message received from a Mode-S feed for the aircraft.
Public propertyLastSatcomUpdate
Gets or sets the time of the last message received from a SatCom feed for the aircraft.
Public propertyLastUpdate
Gets or sets the time of the last message received from the aircraft.
Public propertyLatestCoordinateTime
Gets or sets the time of the latest coordinate on the lists.
Public propertyLatitude
Gets the last reported latitude of the aircraft.
Public propertyLatitudeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Latitude was last changed.
Public propertyLongitude
Gets the last reported longitude of the aircraft.
Public propertyLongitudeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Longitude was last changed.
Public propertyManufacturer
Gets or sets the name of the aircraft's maker.
Public propertyManufacturerChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Manufacturer was last changed.
Public propertyModel
Gets or sets a description of the model of the aircraft, as assigned by the manufacturer.
Public propertyModelChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Model was last changed.
Public propertyNumberOfEngines
Gets or sets the number of engines as per ICAO 8643. Note that this 'number' can include the value C...
Public propertyNumberOfEnginesChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when NumberOfEngines was last changed.
Public propertyOnGround
Gets or sets a value indicating that the vehicle is reporting itself as being on the ground.
Public propertyOnGroundChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when OnGround was last changed.
Public propertyOperator
Gets or sets the name of the company or individual that is operating the aircraft.
Public propertyOperatorChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Operator was last changed.
Public propertyOperatorIcao
Gets or sets the ICAO code for the aircraft's operator.
Public propertyOperatorIcaoChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when OperatorIcao was last changed.
Public propertyOrigin
Gets or sets a description of the airport where the aircraft's journey began.
Public propertyOriginChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Origin was last changed.
Public propertyPictureFileName
Gets or sets the full path and filename of the aircraft's picture or null if the aircraft has no picture.
Public propertyPictureFileNameChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when PictureFileName was last changed.
Public propertyPictureHeight
Gets or sets the height of the picture in pixels. This will be 0 if the aircraft has no picture.
Public propertyPictureHeightChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when PictureHeight was last changed.
Public propertyPictureWidth
Gets or sets the width of the picture in pixels. This will be 0 if the aircraft has no picture.
Public propertyPictureWidthChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when PictureWidth was last changed.
Public propertyPositionIsMlat
Gets or sets a value indicating that the position was calculated by an MLAT server, or came off an MLAT feed.
Public propertyPositionIsMlatChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when PositionIsMlat last changed.
Public propertyPositionReceiverId
Gets or sets the ID of the receiver that supplied the last position for the aircraft.
Public propertyPositionReceiverIdChanged
Gets the UTC date and time that PositionReceiverId last changed.
Public propertyPositionTime
Gets the UTC date and time that Latitude and Longitude were last changed.
Public propertyPositionTimeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when PositionTime was last changed.
Public propertyReceiverId
Gets or sets the ID of the last receiver to provide a message for this aircraft. Only varies when the aircraft is being fed messages from a merged feed.
Public propertyReceiverIdChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when ReceiverId was last changed.
Public propertyRegistration
Gets or sets the aircraft's registration.
Public propertyRegistrationChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Registration was last changed.
Public propertyShortCoordinates
The list of coordinates representing the short track of the aircraft, the locations reported by it for the past so-many seconds.
Public propertySignalLevel
Gets or sets the signal level of the last message applied to the aircraft. This is null if the receiver wasn't passing along signal levels.
Public propertySignalLevelChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when SignalLevel was last changed.
Public propertySpecies
Gets or sets the type of aircraft as recorded in ICAO 8643.
Public propertySpeciesChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Species was last changed.
Public propertySpeedType
Gets or sets the type of speed being transmitted by the aircraft.
Public propertySpeedTypeChanged
Public propertySquawk
Gets or sets the squawk code transmitted by the aircraft.
Public propertySquawkChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Squawk was last changed.
Public propertyStopovers
Gets or sets a list of scheduled stops for the aircraft.
Public propertyStopoversChanged
Gets or sets the DataVersion that was current when Stopovers was last changed.
Public propertyTargetAltitude
Gets or sets the altitude (in feet) that the aircraft's autopilot / FMS etc. is set to.
Public propertyTargetAltitudeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when TargetAltitude was last changed.
Public propertyTargetTrack
Gets or sets the track or heading on the aircraft's autopilot / FMS etc.
Public propertyTargetTrackChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when TargetTrack was last changed.
Public propertyTrack
Gets or sets the last reported heading over the ground of the aircraft. If the aircraft is not reporting its track (see IsTransmittingTrack) then the code will calculate one for it. This is in degrees clockwise.
Public propertyTrackChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Track was last changed.
Public propertyTrackIsHeading
Gets or sets a value indicating that the Track is the heading of the aircraft. If this is false then Track is the ground track, which is the default.
Public propertyTrackIsHeadingChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when TrackIsHeading was last changed.
Public propertyTransponderType
Gets or sets the transponder type used by the aircraft.
Public propertyTransponderTypeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when TransponderType was last changed.
Public propertyType
Gets or sets the ICAO8643 type code for the aircraft.
Public propertyTypeChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when Type was last changed.
Public propertyUniqueId
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the aircraft.
Public propertyUserTag
Gets the UserTag from the aircraft's database record.
Public propertyUserTagChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when UserTag was last changed.
Public propertyVerticalRate
Gets or sets the last reported rate of ascent or descent (-ve) of the aircraft in feet per minute.
Public propertyVerticalRateChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when VerticalRate was last changed.
Public propertyVerticalRateType
Gets or sets the type of vertical rate being transmitted by the aircraft.
Public propertyVerticalRateTypeChanged
Public propertyWakeTurbulenceCategory
Gets or sets the ICAO 8643 ATC wake turbulence category for this type of aircraft.
Public propertyWakeTurbulenceCategoryChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when WakeTurbulenceCategory was last changed.
Public propertyYearBuilt
Gets or sets the year the aircraft was manufactured as a string (it's a string in BaseStation.sqb).
Public propertyYearBuiltChanged
Gets the DataVersion that was current when YearBuilt was last changed.
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable.)
Public methodResetCoordinates
Removes all coordinates from the aircraft's coordinates lists.
Public methodUpdateCoordinates
Updates the FullCoordinates and ShortCoordinates lists using the current values on the aircraft.
See Also