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IUserManager Methods

The IUserManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateUser
Creates a new user. If CanCreateUsers is false then this should throw an exception when called. The user manager is expected to modify the record passed in to set IsPersisted to true and to fill in the unique ID.
Public methodCreateUserWithHash
Creates a new user. If CanCreateUsersWithHash is false then this should throw an exception when called.
Public methodDeleteUser
Delete the user passed across. Throw an exception if the deletion is not permitted, otherwise remove the user from the backing store.
Public methodGenerateTemporaryUniqueId
Returns an identifier that does not exist on any user record, has not been previously returned by other calls to GenerateTemporaryUniqueId in this session and cannot be assigned to a new user by any of the Create calls.
Public methodGetUserByLoginName
Returns the user with the login name specified or null if no such user exists.
Public methodGetUsers
Returns a list of all users. Throw an exception if CanListUsers is false.
Public methodGetUsersByUniqueId
Returns a collection of users that have the unique identifiers passed across.
Public methodInitialise
Initialises the manager.
Public methodPasswordMatches
Returns true if the password is a match for the user's password.
Public methodShutdown
Shuts the manager down.
Public methodUpdateUser
Edits an existing user. Throw an exception if the change is not permitted, otherwise modify the backing store to reflect the change in details for the user with the appropriate UniqueID.
Public methodValidateUser
Validates the record passed across.
See Also