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VirtualRadar.Localisation Namespace
The namespace that holds static classes for localising content and the tables of localised strings.
Public classLocalise
A static wrapper around an instance of Localiser for the Virtual Radar Server's application strings class.
Public classLocalisedCategoryAttribute
A localisable version of the ComponentModel CategoryAttribute.
Public classLocalisedDescriptionAttribute
A localisable version of the ComponentModel DescriptionAttribute.
Public classLocalisedDisplayNameAttribute
A localisable version of the ComponentModel DisplayNameAttribute.
Public classLocalisedEnumConverterT
A base for EnumConverters that can translate between an enum and a localised string.
Public classLocalisedStringsMap
A class that uses reflection to find all of the localised strings we've got set up in a generated string map class.
Public classLocaliser
A class that can localise Windows Forms elements with strings taken from a strings resource file.
Public classResourceStrings
A class that can extract strings from a resource for a specific culture info.

.NET has a mechanism for localising strings in forms but it does not lend itself to having a centralised set of strings for the entire application that are shared amongst all of the libraries. To make it easier to farm the string table out for translation all of the localised strings were concentrated into this one library and a static class, Localise, was written to perform the localisation of strings on forms. A public class, Localiser, can be used by plugins to perform the same duties for their translations.

If you want to test your alternate cultures you can start Virtual Radar Server at the command line with the -culture switch. For example, to force Virtual Radar Server to use the German culture settings:

VirtualRadar.exe -culture:de-DE