EmitterCategory Enumeration |
An enumeration of the different ADS-B Emitter Categories transmitted across all category sets.
Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.AdsbAssembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
Syntaxpublic enum EmitterCategory
Public Enumeration EmitterCategory
public enum class EmitterCategory
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
No ADS-B emitter category transmitted.
| LightAircraft | 1 |
Light aircraft, usually less than 15,500 lbs maximum takeoff weight.
| SmallAircraft | 2 |
Small aircraft, usually between 15,500 to 75,000 lbs maximum takeoff weight.
| LargeAircraft | 3 |
Large aircraft, usually between 75,000 to 300,000 lbs maximum takeoff weight.
| HighVortexLargeAircraft | 4 |
Large aircraft that generate high vorticies.
| HeavyAircraft | 5 |
Heavy aircraft, usually with a maximum takeoff weight over 300,000 lbs.
| HighPerformanceAircraft | 6 |
Aircraft with greater than 5G acceleration and capable of travelling over 400 knots.
| Rotorcraft | 7 |
Helicopter or other rotorcraft.
| Glider | 8 |
Glider or sailplane.
| LighterThanAir | 9 |
Hot-air balloon or other lighter-than-air craft.
| Parachutist | 10 |
Parachutist or sky diver.
| Ultralight | 11 |
Ultralight, hang-glider or paraglider.
| UnmannedAerialVehicle | 12 |
| SpaceVehicle | 13 |
Spacecraft or trans-atmospheric vehicle.
| SurfaceEmergencyVehicle | 14 |
Emergency surface vehicle.
| SurfaceServiceVehicle | 15 |
Service surface vehicle.
| PointObstacle | 16 |
Point obstacle including tethered balloons.
| ClusterObstacle | 17 |
Cluster obstacle.
| LineObstacle | 18 |
Line obstacle.
| BaseReservedCode | 100 |
Reserved codes are at least this value - see remarks for instructions on how to derive the category set and category.
Many of the possible categories are reserved for future use. These are encoded using the following
formula: value = 100 + category + ((category set - 'A') * 10). E.G. category 6 in set C would have
a value of 100 + 6 + (2 * 10) = 126. The reason why a single 'Reserved' enum is not used is because
the decoder would be stripping out information carried by the message. If there is a vehicle
transmitting a reserved code then I'd like to know what it sent.
See Also