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ISettingsPresenter Methods

The ISettingsPresenter type exposes the following members.

Public methodApplyReceiverConfigurationWizard
Applies the answers from a receiver configuration wizard to the receiver passed across.
Public methodCreateMergedFeed
Creates a new merged feed. The object is not attached to the configuration being edited.
Public methodCreateRebroadcastServer
Creates a new rebroadcast server. The object is not attached to the configuration being edited.
Public methodCreateReceiver
Creates a new receiver. The receiver is not attached to the configuration being edited.
Public methodCreateReceiverLocation
Creates a new receiver location. The receiver location is not attached to the configuration being edited.
Public methodCreateUser
Creates a new user. The user is not attached to the configuration being edited.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodGetSerialPortNames
Returns a list of serial port names. Guaranteed not to throw an exception and to be current (i.e. no caching).
Public methodGetVoiceNames
Returns a collection of voice names. A voice name of null indicates the presence of a default voice.
Public methodInitialise
Initialises the view.
(Inherited from IPresenter<T>.)
Public methodValidateView
Validates the current content of the entire form and reports the results back to the view.
See Also