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ISimConnectWrapper Interface
The interface for objects that allows tests to abstract away the SimConnect object that we have to use to connect to FSX.

Namespace: VirtualRadar.Interface.FlightSimulatorX
Assembly: VirtualRadar.Interface (in VirtualRadar.Interface.dll) Version: (
public interface ISimConnectWrapper : IDisposable

The ISimConnectWrapper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsInstalled
Gets a value that indicates that SimConnect is installed and we were able to successfully make a null call on it without getting an exception.
Public propertyUnusedValue
Gets the value to pass for parameters that are not used - wraps SimConnect.SIMCONNECT_UNUSED.
Public methodAddClientEventToNotificationGroup
Wraps a call to SimConnect.AddClientEventToNotificationGroup.
Public methodAddToDataDefinition
Wraps a call to SimConnect.AddToDataDefinition.
Public methodCreateSimConnect
Wraps a call to create the SimConnect object.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodMapClientEventToSimEvent
Wraps a call to SimConnect.MapClientEventToSimEvent.
Public methodReceiveMessage
Wraps a call to SimConnect.ReceiveMessage.
Public methodRegisterDataDefineStruct<T>
Wraps a call to SimConnect.RegisterDataDefineStruct.
Public methodRequestDataOnSimObjectType
Wraps a call to SimConnect.RequestDataOnSimObjectType.
Public methodSetDataOnSimObject
Wraps a call to SetDataOnSimObject.
Public methodSetSystemEventState
Wraps a call to SimConnect.SetSystemEventState.
Public methodSubscribeToSystemEvent
Wraps a call to SimConnect.SubscribeToSystemEvent.
Public methodTransmitClientEvent
Wraps a call to SimConnect.TransmitClientEvent.
Public eventEventObserved
Raised when SimConnect detects that an event has taken place within Flight Simulator.
Public eventExceptionRaised
Raised when SimConnect throws an exception.
Public eventObjectReceived
Raised when SimConnect returns information about an object that was previously requested.
Public eventUserHasQuit
Raised when the user quits Flight Simulator.
Part of the public behaviour of the IFlightSimulatorX object is that it must talk to SimConnect and say the right things. This provider wraps SimConnect so that we can check that IFSX is using it properly without having to have FSX installed. It is a very lightweight wrapper, you will need to read the SimConnect documentation in conjunction with the code.
See Also